TRIPS had a very successful 2021 AGM by Zoom on November 30th. We were able to discuss many of our ongoing plans, elect new members to our board, and celebrate the achievements of this past year. We feel very proud that we were able to hold so many great clinics this year including our Learn to Paddle series, Introduction to Moving Water, and our Big Canoe Leader/ Instructor Course. We were able to carry out several great programs with local schools and youth groups as well. Marathon canoe training was regular and so were recreational evening paddles and day trips. All this activity meant that we were able to increase our membership to new heights! we had over 50 members this year.
Our new Board of Directors is as follows:
President – Keiran Rankin
Past President – Darryl Spencer
Vice President – Lisa Chaplin
Secretary – Nancy Bepple
Treasurer – Melanie Wigness
Our Membership Fees for this year will be as follows:
Regular Membership – $50.00
Out of Town Membership – $30.00
Juniors Membership – $20.00
Learn to Paddle – $75.00 (includes membership)
Items for discussion included:
- Updates club rules and operating guidelines for leaders (Please see our Club Rules Page)
- Grant applications are out to a variety of possible contributors to our Big Canoe/ Voyageur Community Programs.
- Year end reports on our Recreational and Marathon and community canoeing activities.
- Report on ongoing cooperation with the Kamloops Paddling Partnership in terms of our compound and safety signage.
- Reports and discussion on ongoing work to improve site security, rebuild our Voyageur Trailer, secure a 40′ storage container and more.
- Strategic goals to attract new members, increase our number of leaders, branch out into new areas such as more moving water canoeing, and to work more with community, school, and Indigenous groups.
If you would like a copy of our AGM minutes or year end financial report, please contact the executive at