TRIPS Recreational Paddling
T.R.I.P.S. is a canoe and kayak club open to the public for both river and flatwater recreational paddling as well as marathon canoe racing. We are primarily a canoe club but we welcome participation by recreational kayakers and other paddle craft as well.
Each year we hold a Learn to Paddle Series, as well as regular weekday evening paddling sessions out of Pioneer Park. We also offer day trips to local lakes and rivers. Marathon paddling member participate in higher intensity training in preparation for provincial races, while other more recreational members paddling on leisure outings.
Some members also paddle on white water trips on more challenging sections of local rivers. No
matter what your interest is in terms of paddling we can help you get the training you need to get there.
Past TRIPS Events:
- New Year’s Day canoe, brief but momentous
- Spring River Shoreline Clean-up
- Flat water day trips to Heffley Lake, Red Lake, Scuttio Lake, Kamloops Floodlands, Fortune Creek, etc.
- White water canoeing on the Adams and Thompson Rivers
Past Club Courses and Clinics:
- Learn to Paddle Series (RCABC Basic Lakewater Tandem Canoe Curse) *Every
- Introduction to Moving Water (RCABC Basic Tandem Moving Water Clinic) *Every Spring
- Big Canoe Leader and Instructor Course
- Club Trip Leader Certification Clinic
- RCABC Lakewater Instructor Recertification Clinic
- Marathon Canoe Racing Training Clinic
Club equipment includes:
- 2 Big Canoes (27 foot Voyageurs)
- 8 recreational canoes (Trippers, Prospectors, etc.)
- 6 marathon racing canoes (solo and tandem)
- PFDs, PAddles, and safety equipment (throw bags, bailers, etc)
- A variety of other equipmet(canoe carts, wet suits, first aid kit
- Several trailers for transportation and enclosed trailers for storage